Canada Water Masterplan – Latest News

Please find below updates on the Canada Water Masterplan, alongside a reminder about the upcoming introductory sessions to help demystify the planning and design process.

Canada Water Dock Focus Session – factsheet now available

On Thursday 30 July and Saturday 15 August, we held two public Canada Water Dock Focus Sessions, looking specifically at the dock to help inform development of this part of the masterplan.  We have produced a summary factsheet of the session – please click here to download. This gives an overview of key facts about the dock, the initial thinking from the design team and the key messages arising through the focus sessions. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Surrey Quays Leisure Park Site – Reserved Matters Application

As you may have heard, British Land have submitted a reserved matter’s application to keep the planning permission, gained before British Land purchased Surrey Quays Leisure Park site, live. British Land presented this application and the background to it at the Canada Water Consultative Forum meeting on 5 October 2015. For more information on the reasons for the application and to view the presentation from this meeting please visit the Surrey Quays Leisure Park website. All the planning documents are also available on Southwark Council’s Planning Portal 

Upcoming Topic Discussion Sessions – The Design and Planning process

We also wanted to remind you that we will be holding two introductory sessions to help make sense of the planning and design process in the context of the masterplan. We’ll explore who is involved, the policy, what happens when and how decisions are made. Everyone is welcome, and we will be running this session twice, details below:

Tuesday 27th October


at Time & Talents, The Old Mortuary, St Marychurch St, SE16 4JE

Wednesday 11th November


at Silverlock Hall, Warndon Street, SE16 2SB

RSVP is not essential but it would be useful to have an idea of numbers.

Future topic discussions will inform development of the masterplan, which will be shared for community feedback in the new year. These sessions will look at streets and spaces, and the character of the new places created – specifically the high street and town centre. Please check the website for details or let us know if you would like to be directly updated.

Please do get in touch if you have any further questions.

   020 7729 1705

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